
(2024). An seL4-based Trusted Execution Environment on RISC-V. IWCMC 2024.

(2023). Integrating VirtIO and QEMU on seL4 for Enhanced Devices Virtualization Support. TrustCom 2023.

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(2023). A Dynamic Network-based Intrusion Detection Model for Industrial Control Systems. TrustCom 2023.

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(2023). Context-Aware Security in the Internet of Things: A Review. AINA 2023.

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(2023). A Dynamic Machine Learning Scheme for Reliable Network-Based Intrusion Detection. AINA 2023.

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(2022). MIPS and RISC-V: Evaluating Virtualization Trade-off for Edge Devices. WF-IoT 2022.

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(2022). Improving Drone Mission Continuity in Rescue Operations with Secure and Efficient Task Migration. WF-IoT 2022.

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(2022). ConShar: An Edge-based Context Sharing Model for the Internet of Things. WF-IoT 2022.

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(2021). A lightweight virtualization model to enable edge computing in deeply embedded systems. Software Practice and Experience.

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(2020). An Edge Decentralized Security Architecture for Industrial IoT Applications. WF-IoT 2020.

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(2020). Context information sharing for the Internet of Things: A survey. Elsevier Computer Networks.

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(2020). Privacy and security of Internet of Things devices. Academic Press, Real-Time Data Analytics for Large Scale Sensor Data.

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(2019). Evaluating the DTLS Protocol from CoAP in Fog-to-Fog Communications. SOSE 2019.

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(2019). Lightweight Security Architecture Based on Embedded Virtualization and Trust Mechanisms for IoT Edge Devices. IEEE Communications Magazine.

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(2018). Context Interoperability for IoT Through an Edge-Centric Context Sharing Architecture. ISCC 2018.

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(2018). Providing Context-Aware Security for IoT Environments Through Context Sharing Feature. TrustCom 2018.

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(2017). Evaluating the use of TLS and DTLS protocols in IoT middleware systems applied to E-health. CCNC 2017.

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(2017). A sensing-as-a-service context-aware system for Internet of Things environments. CCNC 2017.

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(2017). Context-Aware Systems: Technologies and Challenges in Internet of Everything Environments. Springer Beyond the Internet of Things.

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(2016). The Role of Lightweight Approaches Towards the Standardization of a Security Architecture for IoT Middleware Systems. IEEE Communications Magazine.

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(2016). Middleware Technology for IoT Systems: Challenges and Perspectives Toward 5G. Springer Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G Mobile Technologies.

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(2015). The Importance of a Standard Security Architecture for SOA-based IoT Middleware. IEEE Communications Magazine.

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(2015). Context-based search engine for industrial IoT: Discovery, search, selection, and usage of devices. ETFA 2015.

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(2015). Context-Aware System for Information Services Provision in the Internet of Things. ETFA 2015.

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(2015). Cooperative Middleware Platform as a Service for Internet of Things Applications. SAC 2015.

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